Sunday, December 4, 2005

Meeting minutes--installation brainstorm

Wakow Notes 12/4/05

Secretary: Davide d’Oro

“Tulsa boxes”

each has sound, image, word

"Best Buy Box"


wall, website, etc.

boxers as neighborhoods--relational

connections are as important as individual boxes


allow listener to manipulate w/in certain parameters?

imagined sounds

conversations, real and fictional

allow listeners to record…impressions of Tulsa?

sort of like a non-internet blog

collecting/archiving reactions

solicit audience photos, etc.

perhaps create another box with that material

make portable, move to different venues across city

cd be boxes scattered around a room, diff. maps on walls and floor, somehow integrated or in competition w/ boxes


weaving lines of type, images into map shapes

visual thesaurus, virtual map

map as overlay of informational units

Deleuze and Guattari on map vs tracing, associative rather than literal

leaving 1 layer on a map that’s familiar, then adding our own layers

maps that allow viewer choices, show associations but don’t dictate pathway

or drawers, cabinets, rather than boxes (architect’s drawers, Brothers Quay “Street of Crocodiles”

South Tulsa as dildo

balloons w/ stuff in ‘em

what about not trying to represent Tulsa

pieces of photographs, collages

tacking up photos, hanging on string

the blender approach


erase words in signs, add in our own language

or keep words erased and have sound emerge from the wall

what can one pick up: photo

piece of paper

recording/listening device

M: take it off the wall

process of walking through space replicates our own experience


fluxus experiments with boxes

Joseph Cornell

Mexican ritual boxes


Other display options: projection


blow up poems

install listening devices in books

artist books

treated books, like the Oklahoma textbook

integrated photos

pasted language


M: seems tooo usual to just project on a wall

G: can use projection to create texture, light, etc. (mattress installation at Contemporary Museum of Art in Chicago)

What if we make sound the focal point?

Slideshow with sound?

sound piped into a room where one’s looking at photos


suitcase for the part w/ the abandoned hotel?

suitcase as imagined history, detritus of human life?

do an installation at abandoned hotel?