Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Brainstorm of places to shoot

Railyard- North of downtown

Bama Pie Factory

ONG Oil Refinery

Flea Market

Greenwood district

Brady Heights

Brady district

Drive In


St. Francis Hospital 61st and Yale and Lafortune Park

Northeast Downtown

Woodland Hills Mall

Arkansas River

Expo Center

Bells Amusement Park



Drillers Stadium

Tulsa Football Stadium

Tulsa Zoo and Park


14th and Cheyenne



Between the airport and the zoo


11th St.

White River Fish Market

Uncle Herm’s

Cain’s Ballroom

Circle Cinema

Sunday, October 8, 2006

Ideas for Living Arts proposal

Ideas for Living Arts

Keep Tulsa materials

Mindy would like to focus the project more because she things it’s too broad

  • ie focus on the oil refineries (Nate-there’s probably a lot about the industry/history that people don’t know) or Oral Roberts (Mindy: “Oily Roberts”
  • signs (ie putting photos of words into something you can read) but also “sign” broadly conceived (as portent, trace); sound might be difficult (Nate--corresponding specific sounds with specific signs, not random); (David-imagining a non-textual sign)
  • the way Tulsa represents itself to itself and the outside world (a Tulsa catalogue or calendar; fake Tulsa propaganda or development proposal, complete with Power Point presentation performance piece)
  • North Tulsa

Email from Nathan 9/17/.2006:


D&M and I talked for a few more minutes Sunday about the project and decided, I think, that our next steps should be to shoot at the the two places we've already chosen: the refineries and ORU. More specifically, we thougth that we should start by documenting at one of those locations next Monday from 5-7 p.m.

In the interests of keeping our project manageable, we thought we could document these two locations and see where that process leads us. Maybe that will be towards something unexpected though, obviously, the larger issues of oil and religion are present in those sites.

I think there is some concern that we not try to tackle oil and religion generally (especially at the outset), but that by using those two locations as poles of a project, we may find a path to take from there. One great connecting element between ORU and the refineries is that both are in a kind of decay that explains something about Tulsa's present condition as well as something about its past. Also, it wouldn't be difficult to work in some historical documentation/text for both.

Another good thing here is that this is a project that we can pitch to Living Arts. It sounds specific enough, but also has topical political overtones and we have some documentation from the work we've done so far that we can provide in the proposal.

For the proposal, I think we should be specific with the locations and ideas of form (how we set up our installation/s) and not go too far into the political or historical on oil/religion.

How's that sound to you?

What to send with proposal:

    1. Power Point
    2. Digital images
      • Of Tulsa
      • Of art show
    3. Book
    4. Poems

Our project will be a dynamic multimedia installation exploring the relationship between oil and religion in Tulsa. The project explores specific sites in and around the Tulsa area that embody the cultural, ethical, and aesthetic aspects of this intersection. Poetry, sound, and photography are the media we work in, blending the three in various ways. The materials are produced by visiting various sites in and around where we take photos and record sound; texts are written and edited through various collaborative procedures involving not only our images and audio but also sampled/found materials related to Tulsa, such as films or songs. The installation will involve one digital projector, an audio sound system, computer, and curtain dividers.

Installation could include

  • photographs
  • multimedia projections[GMJ1]
  • collages?
  • sound (ambient, listening stations)
  • interactive computer stations
  • poetry reading/performance event
  • books

[GMJ1]This is what binds all of our media—texts, photos, and sound can all be projected.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Notes on Nathan’s sound edit

As Nathan ran what he had edited, I copied down some prominent lines in order to determine what, if anything should be emphasized or deemphasized

I raise the concern aobut volume, asking N to give us an idea of volume.

The sounds of the earth are like music

Coney Island hot wieners

Missionaries did much about helping the natives…ask the minister

Dip one toe into the and dry it off

The bedroom community of Modest, OK

Close my email program there—I’m always leaveing them lying around

As goes my colon so goes everything

Swallow whole the messiness

Clean the wax from my ears

My colon is the task facing the community


If I’ve seen one pair of spindlie whites, I’ve seen them all

Started the conversation and gone on talking

Tulsa, and neighboring Modest, where shall I find you?

I watered my lawn on New Years Day and hoped my hopin jOhn made a difference

a child before I realized

the sun beat down like the metal of death before I realized

glossy brochure buthe pictures and text are creepy and weird

plumes of doll heads lying in pies of colon contrivances

as penance

the chase, the bedroom

cleaning the wax from my ears

turns me into someone I’m not

after a while you learn to hear it coming


  • Start at 1:30:00
  • What is that hum under the tracks from the movies?
  • This is very textual—now I see what you were talking about with Mindy
  • The piece begins very cinema heavy
  • I like when our voices come in
  • But the sonic parts after the voice at 1:38:00 were really interesting—I like this ambient stuff best
  • like the gusher sounds too, btw—they are really going to feak the images—by 1:44:00 I was wondering of they might be too much—what was your thinking in terms of the level for that track?
  • Should the gusher stuff be more underneath the opening part too, just softer?
  • At 1:46:00 I think the voices should be brought up
  • Nice transition between gusher and train—really plays on the historical connection between the two
  • 1:47:50—gusher ends, electronic and ambient bird sounds begin

Selection of Text:

How to balance visual with meaningful

David wants them to interface with text as text with signification

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Meeting minutes

Began with discussion of possible forms and projects; I showed the powerpoint because they couldn’t hear sounds.

We also discussed create web pages or flash pages [that made me think that I should put notes about collaboration on a blog that is in the exhibit itself so that process is acknowledged.]

I told of my vision for installation full of various forms—books, ambient music, interactive computer stations, poems and photos on wall, Tulsa Boxes, maps, etc. and accompanied by poetry readings, musical performance, performance happening, etc.

Book brainstorming

Book with four spines whose pages open in different directions

transparent flyleafs

interactive—brings book closer to computer interactivity (putting technologies in dialogue/tension with each other would become part of the project.

Use found objects, collages, etc for covers

Start collecting paper from Tulsa sites

Mindy said she would do research on book forms and make a presentation on findings

M said that she wanted the form to fit the content and be relevant to place.

M brought up filmstrips (the old educational kinds)

Sound screening

Listend to some of what Nathan came up with editing our sounds/readings/music/soundtracks. All of us had very positive reactions.

David mentioned possibility of intertextual references between various media in terms of sound, words, and sights. We all discussed the relation of sounds to Tulsa and how they raise the question of representation and the relation of art to place.

We don’t have to pack all of our material into one package

Mindala said that the project becomes as much about collaboration as it does Tulsa

The question once was “what are we going to do?” but not it is “what can’t we do”?

We talked about working in pairs and other combinations of collaborations rather than just always as a foursome.

We discussed how we might make sound that was relevant to the Tulsa material (M and N didn’t think the musical improve we recorded was relevant) by drawing on the Tulsa sounds we have (OK musical soundtrack, found sounds, Tulsa songs, etc) and then trying to make “music” with that sonic palette (ie a fucked up version of Oklahoma!)

Mindy thought it would be fun to get as many people from Tulsa as possible to sing the title track to OK

Mindy re-raised issue of interviews –who would we interview, why, when? I like it because it is documentary and in my style of poetics.

Mindy suggested setting up a recording station in the mall or somewhere people could record what they want performing arts image database might have some stuff on OK. TU website has race riot photos—using found photos like w are using the objects and sounds

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Ideas for sound--mistakes and glitches

After D and I edited one of the poems, we went to Nathan’s to work on sound.

While listening to some of the stuff we came up with, I had an idea: take all of the mistakes/fuck-ups from the poetry readings and use them as sounds to layer in the “musical” parts.

Peanut reading is between 18 and 22:00.

We copied some of the more interesting verbal sounds and set them aside.

Nathan then began processing some of the sounds to see what would happen.

The debate came up, again, as to what we are doing with these sounds and where they are going to go in our “final” product.

I suggested a four step process: 1) combining, 2) selecting (based on some arbitrary criteria), 3) arranging, 4) processing with sound effects. Result would be sounds that could serve purposes/functions in final product.

David wants us to keep the purpose and final form in mind as we are doing this.

If all sounds can become other sounds, and all cities like Tulsa can become other cities, then what is the concern?