Began with discussion of possible forms and projects; I showed the powerpoint because they couldn’t hear sounds.
We also discussed create web pages or flash pages [that made me think that I should put notes about collaboration on a blog that is in the exhibit itself so that process is acknowledged.]
I told of my vision for installation full of various forms—books, ambient music, interactive computer stations, poems and photos on wall, Tulsa Boxes, maps, etc. and accompanied by poetry readings, musical performance, performance happening, etc.
Book brainstorming
Book with four spines whose pages open in different directions
transparent flyleafs
interactive—brings book closer to computer interactivity (putting technologies in dialogue/tension with each other would become part of the project.
Use found objects, collages, etc for covers
Start collecting paper from Tulsa sites
Mindy said she would do research on book forms and make a presentation on findings
M said that she wanted the form to fit the content and be relevant to place.
M brought up filmstrips (the old educational kinds)
Sound screening
Listend to some of what Nathan came up with editing our sounds/readings/music/soundtracks. All of us had very positive reactions.
David mentioned possibility of intertextual references between various media in terms of sound, words, and sights. We all discussed the relation of sounds to Tulsa and how they raise the question of representation and the relation of art to place.
We don’t have to pack all of our material into one package
Mindala said that the project becomes as much about collaboration as it does Tulsa
The question once was “what are we going to do?” but not it is “what can’t we do”?
We talked about working in pairs and other combinations of collaborations rather than just always as a foursome.
We discussed how we might make sound that was relevant to the Tulsa material (M and N didn’t think the musical improve we recorded was relevant) by drawing on the Tulsa sounds we have (OK musical soundtrack, found sounds, Tulsa songs, etc) and then trying to make “music” with that sonic palette (ie a fucked up version of Oklahoma!)
Mindy thought it would be fun to get as many people from Tulsa as possible to sing the title track to OK
Mindy re-raised issue of interviews –who would we interview, why, when? I like it because it is documentary and in my style of poetics.
Mindy suggested setting up a recording station in the mall or somewhere people could record what they want performing arts image database might have some stuff on OK. TU website has race riot photos—using found photos like w are using the objects and sounds