Wednesday, June 13, 2007

DG's listening notes, 5/16/07

Listening to sound 5.16.07

Contrails—processed sound from Tulsita

Flatlander High—processed sound from Tulsita—same chords as above but higher

Canal on Crack/ Canals Rending—processed guitar sound, sinister, cavelike

Rabelais Guitar—guitar but processed so it sounds a bit like Biber violin—vaguely medieval, hymnal, as if bowed; then twittering, flipping in and out

Overload Guitar: watery, mostly monotonic, sonic equivalent of watching sonar blips on a screen

trickle: field sound of water gurgling
oil pump: um, oil pump

After fires: Grant reading w/ ember sound beneath

More Light or Not: Church on the Move sermon in which OK driver’s manual is compared to Bible: rules of the road
google search rhymes with Christian church

Canals Rendered: like oil transformed into a cicada

Slowpump Fizzy: oil pump filter: like a sound buried inside a sound

“our culture is berift”

homework: N gives us 3-5 min sound files, we work with them in some way.

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