Friday, January 26, 2007

Animating Death

One of the things I considered today was the speed of the animation on Death. I’m not sure I want to leave lines static long enough for people to read them completely because that would imply that the line are somehow aesthetic objects worthy of consideration. Part of keeping a fragment a fragment is not just text in space but also in time. A glance at a line is a way of making a fragment, since the sense can’t be fully garnered in the time given.

Messing around with the program after I had gotten to the ¼ mark on Death, I tried the “Import” command to see what would happen. Like publishing, it took a long time, which probably means it imports all the symbols, frames, tweens, and other data from the movie complete. So I now think that it won’t be a problem to have it run as a single movie without the need for actionscripts, etc.

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