Sunday, February 11, 2007

Scene 4 animation and WaKOW meeting minutes

David finally sent me his remix of Death/Metal, but I was unsure of how to animate the new poem. The sound during this part has David’s voice repeating in a sped-up, electronic tone. So, I thought it would be appropriate to put the poem down at the bottom of the page and having each word flicker (like the Doby Bowl) and then drop straight down and turn at a right angle and fly into its position. Question is, should I do it randomly (or semi-randomly to build in new meanings as the poem assembles) or in order. Well, see. Oh, btw, the whole poem will fade, leaving the words of the new poem in place. They will then fall into their new places from there.

In the meeting:

Nathan and David wondered if the “interscenes “shouldn’t be their own thing. And certainly we all agreed that the photos could stand on their own and fit a large scale animation in an installation. For example, the Living Arts space could handle three large projections on the walls—two on the long side wall and one on the long back wall.

Show and Tell:

  1. Nathan had photos to show.
  2. I have bibliographies and newspaper pdfs.
  3. Mindy and David had bubkiss...

Things to think about:

Where to get

  • projectors (ask Steve, Glen, Chuck Tomlins, etc)
  • speakers (All Souls?)

House Art Show

Applying for grants through

  • TU—exhibitions grant
  • OK visual arts council
  • English Dept/Dean’s office

Podcasts of supplementary sound

Could we program it so that the images would change depending on the sound or vice versa?

(We could if we learn the software and buy the hardware)

I said that I think we are making a movie

but we also could include related projects (photos, books, texts)

Having two projectors would allow us to present the duality of Oil/Religion but also to deconstruct the binary.

Question: how much of the Tulsita materials will we use in the new project?

I assumed that it was going to be all new stuff…unless, as David said, the old stuff is relevant

Nathan wondered how the House Show stuff would relate to the Living Arts stuff—would it be the same—we don’t want to tip our hand.

1 comment:

grantmatthewjenkins said...

Remember, we agreed to meet once a week, Sundays at 2pm, no matter who was in town. Ya bastads!