Monday, February 19, 2007

Question of the Day

What if Tulsa itself were conceived of, promoted as, and run like a mega-church??

Better yet, what if mega-churches promoted themselves like OERB, the oil-industry's public and overly made-up face. I'll give anyone $1 who can figure out what it stands for!


The WaKOW Collective said...

I think that's exactly the problem - it is promoted and run like a mega church. It's comfortably cosmopolitan, which means you can buy starbucks and hoodies for your infant as you're coming and going from the sermon.

grantmatthewjenkins said...

Hey, Loser, create your own profile--stop suckin off the Wakow tittie.

As for the church thing, the idea was really to literalize the connection.

The WaKOW Collective said...

Yo Momma!

I am the Wa_kow tittie. I don't believe in artistic profiling.