Thursday, February 15, 2007

Promotional Tulsa

I just went to the Goodwill today to scavenge, and look for things to photograph (inside!) since it's so friggin' cold out there that the thought of scavenging for images outside is not very appealing.

I found two promotional items about Tulsa. I'll show you what they are when you see the photos.

I want to pick up on Grant's earlier post where he was musing about using a fake promotional Tulsa paradigm to enter into this project. I like that, because it's not as direct, and frankly could be fun. One of my major issues with this place is this tremendous disconnect between the image Tulsa thinks it's putting forth and the actual reality.

I won't know how I feel photographing these types of things until I do it, but right now it's appealing to me. Meanwhile, if everyone could keep a look out for these types of items that would be great.

1 comment:

grantmatthewjenkins said...

Looking forward to seeing the photographs--let us know where you post them.

Also, check out my comment in response to Mindy's on the Church on the Move posting below. The promotional idea could dovetail nicely with the Church game-show idea...